9 Brilliant Ways To Make Money On Youtube In 2022 — Deepdizy.com


Hello YouTubers ! ‘m going to tell you about 9 Brilliant Ways To Make Money On Youtube In 2022 and we’re starting right now.

As you know that YouTube is a hot money making method right now because people think that they have to just make some videos and can earn a massive money but that is not absolutly true. You have to work hard to earn a decent income from YouTube. So we are here to talk about this.

Selling Merchandise

One of the ways that you can make money on YouTube is by selling merchandise. For example, let’s say that you want to sell shirts off of your channel, You can make shirts that are about anything, just be creative. If you have a comedy channel make things that may apply to your channel, or you can just make funny t-shirts in general and try to drive your youtube traffic there.

Let me know down in the comments below any unique ways that you’ve seen that people have monetized their channels just to help out other people that might read this article.

Send Traffic To Your Website

Another thing you can do to make money on YouTube is if you have a website, or a blog, or anything like that, or if you don’t have one you can make one, and then set up affiliate offers or ads or something like that on your blog and try to monetize that way.

So really what you’re going is you are just using YouTube as a traffic source. You’re pulling those people from your YouTube channel and trying to get them over to your website. Now if you are a business then that is a fantastic strategy for you.

But if you are not a business and you’re just trying to find ways to squeeze a little bit of money juice out of YouTube to pay for camera gear and things like that, then you can create a blog around it, and send people there, and monetize your blog through ads, and affiliate offers.

Sell Your Products

Another thing you can do to make money on YouTube, if you are a creative person which I’m guessing you are because you’re making videos, you can create a product of some kind that resonates with your viewers, and try to send your viewers to that product. Just make sure it’s something that adds value to your viewers.

For example, it could be a book, it could be a course of some kind, or anything else that you can think of that would directly relate with your audience and that would add value to what it is that they are doing. If you have a skill of some kind, if you are a programmer, photographer, a video editor, a videographer whatever it is, if you can create a service around it to provide value to your viewers that you can sell
You have your fan-funding sites like Patreon that you can use to have fans donate.

In the worst-case scenario, you can put a little PayPal link up in your channel header and try to drive people to give donations and things like that, and since the new mobile live streaming feature is out and they have the super chat with that which, basically allows your viewers to donate money to you. You can actually use that as another way to make money from your YouTube channel.


Another way that you can make money on YouTube is through sponsorships. If you have a large following be it on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram, some people are looking for the eyeballs that you are in front of. What I mean is YouTube is a stage and you’re standing on it. Because of that once you start getting a following, people will want to work with you if you are interested in sponsorships.

If you do not know where to get started with sponsorship stuff that you’re interested in, you can try to go to FameBit, or you can try to go to the Ggrapevine either. One of those will help get you started if you are not interested in picking up the phone or sending out the email. A bunch of people will approach you.

Affliate Marketing

Another way that you can make money on YouTube is through affiliate marketing. If you are not familiar with what affiliate marketing is, in a nutshell basically you send a person to a particular website, they make a purchase, and then you get a commission for that purchase, and it doesn’t cost the viewer anything extra. You are just basically in the middle of the purchase. And because of that, you get a commission for it.

Content Licensing

Another way that you can make money on YouTube, especially if you’re a blogger is through content licensing. In a nutshell, content licensing is people paying you to use the footage that you have shot.

Create Your Email List

Another way that you can make money on your channel is by setting up an email list. You create an incentive of some kind for your viewers, your viewers sign up for that incentive in exchange for their email address, and then you create a newsletter of the source.

So where you’re sending out emails regularly to keep your viewers up-to-date on the topics that you talked about inside of those emails. You can add affiliate links, you can add links to any services that you offer, or any of the stuff that I’ve talked about previously in this list. You can even use it to notify people when you upload a pretty cool new video.

Paid Shoutouts

Another way that you can make money on YouTube, is if you have a large channel you can do paid shoutouts, you can do paid collaborations, and you can even do paid playlist placements over in your sidebar for the channels that you recommend.

YouTube Ads

And of course, you have YouTube ads. But one thing that’s really important that you keep in mind with YouTube ads, you have to get a ton of views for YouTube ads. However, don’t count on AB revenue as your main source of income from your YouTube channel. You have to find other ways to monetize your channel if you really want to get money out of your YouTube channel so that you can buy equipment.


Okay, so these are the some methods by which you earn money with YouTube. And I also want to mention one thing that you have to keep patience to earn money from YouTube. And if you learned something new today tell us in comment section.

If you want to learn more about how to grow your social media profiles like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram related stuff make sure to subscribe to our newsletter right now so you don’t miss anything. And here is a special article for you which will tell you about Is YouTube Dying Or Is YouTube Dead Already. That’s it for today guys. I will see you next time.

Originally published at https://deepdizy.com.

